Making Money

Passive Income Ideas & Why You Should Have It?

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Are you in need of passive income ideas? Do you understand the importance of obtaining passive income and it’s benefits?

Don’t worry, I got you covered.

With recent events such as the Government Shutdown, it is more important now then ever to make multiple income streams and passive income.

We believe that government jobs are the best and most reliable jobs to have and in an instance Donald Trump showed us otherwise.

Only working one job or having one method of making money is a thing of the past. Losing your job and not having other streams of income can be devastating to you and your family.

Passive income money streams

What Is Passive Income?

Passive Income growth

Have you ever wanted to get paid over and over for a job that you only had to do once? We all have and most companies/entrepreneurs reap the benefits of doing so.

Think of the bills or even subscriptions you pay monthly. Mortgage/rent, electric, water and even Netflix. After acquiring these bills, you have paid them (consistently I hope). 

Now those companies can sit back and enjoy collecting money every month. Imagine making a couple hundred dollars monthly regardless if you worked or not.

Once you find your path to passive income, you can turn a dollar a month into hundreds, thousands and beyond with enough HARD work. Depending on your living expenses when you begin making thousands a month, you can say goodbye to your typical 9 to 5 job.

At this point you will be making money while you eat, sleep and even while you’re on Vacation. These benefits are the reasons passive income is and has been the way of the future for years.

Passive income vacation

Try These Passive Income Ideas

Passive income ideas

Almost anything you can think of can bring in income and even lead you to start your own business. Your hobbies, interest, etc…

The key is to choose something you only have to do the upfront work for once. But keep in mind you will have to work to put your idea in front of the right audience. Once the ball starts rolling, keep working until you get the snowball effect. 

Here’s a quick list to give you a few ideas.

  • Use your knowledge to create an E-Book
  • Create an Online Course
  • Create an App
  • Become an Affiliate Marketer
  • Start an Online Store
  • Own Rental Properties
  • Share content you can receive royalties from (photos, music)


Having passive income brings multiple benefits. Long term wealth, stability and peace of mind. Less time trading your time for money and spending it on what’s important to you like your family. 

Passive income family

The list is almost endless. So why do you want passive income and when will you begin working to achieve it?

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