Landing PageMarketing ToolsSocial Media

Boost Your Business With An Instagram Landing Page

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An Instagram landing page should be used as a vital key to your social media marketing efforts. Til this day, Instagram is still one of the top social media platforms. It continues it’s growth from just an image sharing site, to adding videos and reels.

With Instagram’s ever growing popularity and high user base, it has become more than just a site for entertainment but an advertisers paradise. If you choose to advertise your business for free or with paid ads, having a landing page is a must.

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What Is A Landing Page

In your Instagram bio, you have an option to enter any website you would like to promote. An Instagram landing page is a standalone web page that is created for marketing or advertising campaigns.

Once a visitor clicks on your link, they will “land” on this page that provides them with information about your business, blog, merchandise or any offer that you want to convert. Well designed landing pages can convert your Instagram followers into customers, build brand awareness and ultimately help you boost your business to the next level.

Landing Page Example

Instagram landing page example
Get Started Today

In this example, my landing page has a call to action (“get started today”) in the name. This will help raise curiosity and lead those that are interested to click the link.

This single landing page actually displays multiple links I want my Instagram followers to engage with. Starting with my Free Seo tools suite and other helpful pages of this website as they continue to scroll down.

How To Create An Instagram Landing Page

Follow these steps to get started.

Step 1

While creating your landing page, you should first decide which action you want your visitors to take. Do you want to inform them about your business, sign up for your email list or make a purchase?

Make your call to action precise, clear and to the point. This will help push you closer to your business goals and success.

Step 2

Decide if you want to create your landing page manually with WordPress or a landing page builder. You also have a quick and easier method which would be to use a link tree tool, such as Linktree, Shorby or Campsite (just to name a few).

These tools allow you to create a landing page with clickable links in a matter of minutes.

Linktree Landing Page Example
Linktree Landing Page Example

Step 3

Once you’ve made the decision to create you landing page manually or with a link tree tool, it’s time to start designing it.

Make sure to use your brands’ logos/colors, clean visuals, and an easy to navigate layout. Use clear headings to organize the content and include calls to action throughout the page.

Link tree tools give you customization options to pick the look of your landing page but not many options when it comes to the layout.

Now that your landing page has been created, it’s time to test it. It’s important to make sure all your links, including the link to your landing page works correctly. Take a few seconds to test them all.

Step 4

Time for the easiest step, which is sharing your landing page in your profile’s bio. This step probably doesn’t need to be stated but just in case lol.

Go to your profile then click “Edit Profile” and enter the URL of your landing page in the “Website” field.

Now your link is live and ready for traffic.

Step 5

Time to optimize. After receiving traffic and clicks to your landing page, try different versions of the page to see which one converts best.

Continue to monitor your analytics to see how users are interacting with your landing page and make any adjustments needed to improve its effectiveness.

Instagram Landing Page Tips

Design your Instagram landing page to be mobile-friendly: We all know Instagram is primarily used on mobile devices so it’s important to make sure your landing page is optimized for mobile devices.

If you design your page from scratch, make sure to use responsive design techniques to ensure that your page loads quickly and functions well.

Keep it simple: Instagram users are normally on the go and may have limited time to spend on your landing page. Keep the design simple and to the point, to avoid overwhelming users with too much information.

Use clear calls to action: Your landing page’s call to action should be easy for users to find and follow. Make sure the button or link stands out with the color you choose or it’s font.

Showcase the value of your business: Your landing page should show your users what sets your business apart from it’s competitors. Highlight your services or products and clearly explain their benefits.

Use high-quality images: First impressions sets the bar in all aspects of life including your business. It is key to use high-quality images that relate to your business and represent your brand well. The better the quality of your images, the more professional your business will be perceived.


Well designed Instagram landing pages can help you increase brand awareness, engagement and drive traffic to your business. By following these tips and strategies, you can create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and well optimized landing page.

Will you build your Instagram landing page from scratch or keep it simple with a link tree tool? Either option you choose, use engaging post and calls to action to drive your audience to your landing page.

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DeVon Barnes

I'm DeVon Barnes, an alumnus of Bowie State University from the Class of 2008. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Technology with a minor in Multimedia.

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